Let me introduce myself: I’m Ludo, Ludo van de Ven. My first name stands for ‘I play’ and ‘playful’ in Latin language. In short trajectories, based on Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), I playfully work to develop new skills.
Ludooo stands for: ‘ontwikkeling (Dutch)’ = development, ‘onderzoek’ = assessment and ‘onderwijs’ = education by Ludo.
Development/main starting point
Developmental domains do not stand apart: everything (socially, emotionally, and mentally) joins everything. Development is an ongoing process, free from achieving certain skills at certain times in a sequenced way. From a holistic point of view there is no distinction between learning and caring situations. The process during an intervention is way more important than it’s product. Worldwide proven scientific based successful interventions, including mindset, I apply on and on.
Before starting an intervention assessment(s) will show someone’s level of achievement. That’s the way to personalize education, to construct a personal, adjusted way of developing new skills. Dutch Cito-assessments, among others, are used to detect one’s personal level. See ‘Education’ for applications.
Confirming one’s effort is the strongest motivator for development and well-being.
The ‘World Game’ is a non-verbal assessment. You build a village to detect cognitive, personal and emotional features, and pedagogical aspects. Outcomes are used for an adjusted intervention.
O.K.E. (Dutch; in English: ‘okay’) stands for: developmental short educational trajectories (SFBT).
Applications: vocabulary, comprehensive reading, mathematics, projects (online too), mind-games (physically and online; for free too), scientific experiments (i.e. wind force, electricity, …).
Product: a personalized set skills to apply anywhere and everywhere. A developing growth-mindset.
A specific trajectory: Learn to Learn Method. A neurological and scientific based study skill using words and images. With colours and drawings/icons you construct a concept map to master any item.
Get in touch
Meeting you we will be able to discuss possibilities and price. You can contact Ludo/Ludooo with the format.
Phone number
06 10510899